Do Work…

This week in delivering a message to my own son, i realized days later that his take away wasn’t what i had intended…… he had put forth great effort and was offered a chance to be in Beta club. He mistook what i said as “beta club doesn’t matter” and so he didn’t share with us that he was invited. THE WORK MATTERED. How he arrived at the invitation mattered.
How we work and what we do matters… In Genesis, Moses specifically stated that Adam was put in the garden of Eden to work the garden. Once Adam and Eve were given children, each had their own “job”- Abel’s was to tend the flocks, while Cain’s was to tend the plants and produce. When it came time to make an offering, Abel brought his finest while Cain (thoughtlessly) brought some produce. God was visibly pleased with Abel’s work and expressed his disappointment with Cain. Was Cain busy playing video games, watching his phone, snapchatting, did he just not care? He was seemingly too busy to do what was right.
Because God was displeased, Cain became mad- not at himself but at his brother and murdered him.
Your work matters. What you do matters. Focus your mind on Him. Focus your heart on Him. Shut out the other voices and do what is right. Grind and Work as if everything you do if for Him.


The Shepherd


Lion of Judah